Email Marketing Best Practices – 4 Ways To Dramatically Boost Response Rates
Email marketing is one of the most powerful 21st century marketing techniques available to any business looking to increase profits and gain a greater share of their marketplace. Unfortunately, very few businesses utilize email marketing to anywhere near its full capabilities and, as a result, massive amounts of profit are left on the table, completely unclaimed.
To the savvy business owner, who is willing to learn and implement the most successful email marketing best practices, this represents a lucrative opportunity to move ahead of competitors and dramatically increase revenue and profits.
To help you achieve this we have, in this revealing fact-filled article, put together some of the most effective email marketing best practices that you can start implementing right now to grow your business and move ahead of your competition.
Tip #1 – Use The Correct Ratio Of “Promotion” Versus “Content” In Your Emails
It is sorely tempting, when designing your email marketing strategy, to send as many promotional messages as possible to your list of subscribers. After all, the more times they see your marketing messages the more likely they are to buy, right? Wrong! If you only send promotional messages then you will get a high level of unsubscribes per email sent and your remaining subscribers will view you as a “salesman” rather than a trusted friend.
An ideal ratio to aim for is 80% content to 20% promotion. This means that, with 80% of your emails, you are building trust and creating good will with your subscribers. If you do this then, in the other 20% of emails which are promotional, you will see ultra-high conversion rates based on the credibility you have built up.
Tip #2 – Follow A Consistent Email Sending Schedule
Consistency is an extremely important aspect of successful email marketing.
You will boost your response rates if you develop a strategy of sending a set number of emails at a set time, consistently, every week like clockwork. That way your subscribers start to expect your emails and look forward to them.
Your messages become a consistent “welcome guest” in their email inboxes instead of being an unscheduled interruption. It is also far easier to plan ahead with your writing if you have a clear schedule.
Tip #3 – Split Test Your Subject Lines
There is no more scientific way to improve your response rates than through rigorous split-testing. With email marketing, the easiest way to do this is by split-testing your subject lines. Your autoresponder software will have this feature built-in and you can set up your test in less than 2 minutes. All the top email marketers in the world religiously split-test their email subject lines and so should you.
Tip #4 – Be Interesting And Exciting
Sadly, for most people, their email inbox is a constant reminder of the many mundane and mind-numbingly boring tasks they have to deal with such as paying bills, taxes and other such responsibilities. If you, in that very same space, can bring something exciting and interesting to their lives, then your emails will always be opened and will be keenly read.
The key to being interesting and exciting is to inject personality and infuse excitement into every email you write. Simply put, let the engaging, charismatic and intriguing person that you are shine through in your emails. Do this and you’ll notice your “open” rates will literally skyrocket!
Email Marketing Best Practices Summary
Email marketing is an extremely powerful marketing strategy that is poorly used by most online businesses.
As an inbound marketing agency, we’ve witnessed this first hand. If you combine these 4 best practices together then you will see a tremendous boost in your email response rates and, more importantly, your overall profits.
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